Newspaper Advertisement for transfer of Shares - FY 2023-24
Share Transfer to IEPF – FY - 2023-24
Newspaper Advertisement for transfer of Shares - FY 2022-23
Share Transfer to IEPF - FY - 2022-23
Equity Unclaimed Dividend – FY 2021-22
Newspaper advertisement for transfer of shares - FY 2021-22
Share Transfer to IEPF
Equity Unclaimed Dividend - FY - 2019 - 20
Equity Unclaimed Dividend - FY - 2018 - 19 & Unclaimed Sales Proceeds of Fractional Shares
Equity Unclaimed Dividend - FY - 2017 - 18
Equity Unclaimed Dividend - FY - 2016 - 17
Equity Unclaimed Dividend - FY - 2015 - 16
Equity Unclaimed Dividend - FY - 2014 - 15
Equity Unclaimed Dividend - FY - 2013 - 14
Unclaimed Rights Issue Application Money
(to be used by shareholders/claimants whose shares and/or dividend/other amounts have been transferred by the Company to Investor Education and Protection Fund)
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